Thursday, January 31, 2008

a good summary of Dr. Ron Paul's voting record, military history, and economic prowess:


Luckily for us, there has arisen a leader to give us inspiration to fight the destruction of our Constitution and along with it, our inalienable rights of freedom. His Name is Dr. Ron Paul. A 10 term, Republican Congressman from Texas who has NEVER voted for a tax increase, has NEVER voted against the constitution and is the only candidate who wants to return the power to the people.

Dr. Paul is an Air Force veteran where he served as a flight surgeon. He has also delivered more than 4000 babies and understands what it takes to get affordable health care for all Americans.

He has won numerous economic awards and has been endorsed by dozens of economists. His complete understanding of the economic crisis that threatens our Nation's very survival is second-to-none. Unlike the front runner, John McCain, who showed his lack of Knowledge about Economics during the previous Republican Debate in Florida.

Ron Paul is PRO-CONSTITUTION. His stance never changes, unlike Mitt Romney. who flip-flops according to the polls

Unlike Mike Huckabee, who wants to amend the constitution to force his brand of religion on all of us, Dr. Paul wants the Federal Government off our backs.

Who is the only choice is you believe the war in Iraq is wrong and we need to bring our Troops home? Once again, Ron Paul.


this election is important, i know some of you out there just think it doesn't matter and it'll just be the same-ol' same-ol' no matter who is president, but that is wrong. if mccain or romney become prez, we will surely be attacking iran within a year, and we will continue to spend spend spend on the military industrial complex, our money will be devalued so much no other country will want to lend money to us, and our national security will become weak (we'll be spread too thin militarily).

in contrast, ron paul wants to break away from the federal reserve (a privately-owned central bank), get rid of income tax, let local communities decide how their kids will be taught in school, do away with the war on drugs, sell our military bases in other countries and bring our troops home to defend our borders and make our country strong again.

now that doesn't sound too bad, does it? better than going bankrupt and throwing away all our civil liberties, that's for sure.